Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Lesko Style
Monday, December 22, 2008
Daddy Issues
What two words convey more heart ache than these?
She's such a small girl, and every where she looks people are telling her how beautful she is, or how cute. She has a need to be seen, like all kids do. More than anything she wants to be validated, loved, and accepted. So she dances, and the boys look. Even that one boy who hasn't told her she's beautful. The one whose compliments mean more than everyone else because he only whispers them at night. So she laughs when she wouldn't, and makes time for things she doesn't care about until he sees her, and finally he does.
Then he presses, and she isn't ready. His disappointment bites at her heart until she gives into him, just like she did with the last boy. She just wants him to be happy with her.
How can a man raise his daughter to embrace a full life, and find her security in Jesus? Do I only need to love her enough? Maybe if I take her on dates she will learn what it means for a guy to treat her well. Maybe if I pray with her every night she will learn to see how God loves her throughout her day. Maybe if I tell her I love her enough she will understand that love comes from somewhere deeper than the skin.
Even if I do all those things will she understand? Will she know they can't see her beauty in a dance? Or will she still have daddy issues?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
36 weeks...let the count down begin
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Tree
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pics from the Sidebottom Rehearsal - Thanksgiving week
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Blogiverse
This whole thing about blogs is an enigma to me. I currently have a "blog", but really it's more of a journal. The simple truth is, its really convenient to journal on a blog because it is searchable, and accessible from anywhere, and frankly I type faster thanI write these days. The thing about journals though, it just isn't possible for me to be completely honest with God when I have an audience. The depth of the expression is constantly tempered by asking, who is reading this, what will they think of what I've written, will they hear it as I mean it, is this theologically sound? In my private journal my thoughts are only seen by God and me. There is no fear of discovery, or judgement. I am free to be totally unfettered. So, Journal = PrivateBlog.
Then "we" have this blog, but I don't see any of the fellas posting on the blogs maintained by their wives. Most of them have their own blog available for public consumption, and lets be honest, it's better that way. Girls like to talk about things girls like. Boys like to talk about things that are cool. I mean the ultrasound pictures of our wildly anticipated baby girl just aren't as poignant when I follow them up with the picture of a jet engine, or 16" inch deck guns. No guy in his right mind can continue to focus on baby pictures when there is a jet engine diagram to study. (Secretly, I think the girls care more about the jet engine than the baby too, but I can't prove that.) So, Lesko Chronicles = PublicGirlBlog.
Which leaves me with the option of posting my thoughts to the world on the PublicGirlBlog or starting a 3rd blog. In my mind starting a third blog is kinda like buying a 3rd cell phone. It's just a little excessive.
This ironclad logic has convinced me that I should be posting semiregularly on the PublicGirlBlog. Y'all tell me how this works out.
Then "we" have this blog, but I don't see any of the fellas posting on the blogs maintained by their wives. Most of them have their own blog available for public consumption, and lets be honest, it's better that way. Girls like to talk about things girls like. Boys like to talk about things that are cool. I mean the ultrasound pictures of our wildly anticipated baby girl just aren't as poignant when I follow them up with the picture of a jet engine, or 16" inch deck guns. No guy in his right mind can continue to focus on baby pictures when there is a jet engine diagram to study. (Secretly, I think the girls care more about the jet engine than the baby too, but I can't prove that.) So, Lesko Chronicles = PublicGirlBlog.
Which leaves me with the option of posting my thoughts to the world on the PublicGirlBlog or starting a 3rd blog. In my mind starting a third blog is kinda like buying a 3rd cell phone. It's just a little excessive.
This ironclad logic has convinced me that I should be posting semiregularly on the PublicGirlBlog. Y'all tell me how this works out.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
34 weeks and then some....
I went to the dr. yesterday and I am growing on track. I gained 1 lb this week. Little miss Lesko's heart rate was good, her head is down and her but is in my left rib :). I had to have an ultrasound last week to check my gall bladder because I have been having some pain on my right side, but all is well. No surgery to remove it no sign of gall stones or inflamation. So we are trying pepcid AC everyday for the next week to see if it is just acid reflux presenting "weird". I think she is starting to drop a little lower so her little feet aren't kicking the "bad spot" as we call it at the house as easily so that is helpful.
Stay tuned for some family photos, we have a wonderful friend Paul who took some pictures for us and I will put some up as soon as we get them.
I am now on a weekly dr. visit schedule. So more updates I am sure will come.
Until then...
Stay tuned for some family photos, we have a wonderful friend Paul who took some pictures for us and I will put some up as soon as we get them.
I am now on a weekly dr. visit schedule. So more updates I am sure will come.
Until then...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Husband of the Year...again
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It Has Begun
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I am more than a mom...
So I have realized recently that I talk a lot about kids, pregnancy, and preparing for little miss Lesko. So I thought I would try to blog about something different...probably no pictures to post for this one.
We recently started a home group (I am thinking about this today because we go tonight :)) with some friends of ours Byron & Heather Moore. It has only been 5 weeks now but it is so much fun! I have forgotten how great home group can be, I have not been attending one for about 9 months or so and was a home group leader before that. There are so many things that make home group great, one is that we get to hang out with our friends, the other is I feel like we have found a group where I feel safe, I can talk to them, look stupid, eat lots of food, and feel at home. I guess I just realized that this is something I have been missing for a while. There are many ways that God teaches me, being around other Christians, and feeling safe enough to be honest, is for sure one of those ways.
We recently started a home group (I am thinking about this today because we go tonight :)) with some friends of ours Byron & Heather Moore. It has only been 5 weeks now but it is so much fun! I have forgotten how great home group can be, I have not been attending one for about 9 months or so and was a home group leader before that. There are so many things that make home group great, one is that we get to hang out with our friends, the other is I feel like we have found a group where I feel safe, I can talk to them, look stupid, eat lots of food, and feel at home. I guess I just realized that this is something I have been missing for a while. There are many ways that God teaches me, being around other Christians, and feeling safe enough to be honest, is for sure one of those ways.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
30 weeks aka more than 7 months woah!
Our little Monkey...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Update from the Ultrasound
So today we went in to have our second ultrasound. Little girl Lesko is doing great and is "for sure" a girl. She is weighing in at 2 lbs 7 oz, which is in the 65 percentile she is growing right on track, all of her parts were measured and look good. Good news, my placenta has moved out of the way :0) YAY! Everything that they checked came back as right on track and normal. It was great to get to see her moving around. Once I am able to scan the pictures i will upload them. :)
Baby Bump - 26 weeks
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tristan's big weekend cont...
Tristans big weekend...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
20 weeks aka 5 months woah!
Nesting continues
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Baby update...
Well I have made it to a neat stage in this pregnancy I can feel our little girl moving around pretty much every day, we found out this weekend she likes it when daddy plays Halo she really gets moving when I am sitting on the couch watching :0) (It might just be because he usually plays at night and that is when she gets really active but...I am sticking to my story :0))
We should have more updates after next week, I have another doctor's appointment on Wed.
We should have more updates after next week, I have another doctor's appointment on Wed.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Nesting begins...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
IT'S A ...
We are thrilled! Our little girl was very cooperative with the Dr. on Friday, she let him measure all the things he needed to. She is growing right on schedule she measured at about 7 oz.
It is such a neat thing to get to see her growing inside me. I am working on getting pictures or some of the video uploaded (we need to get it into a good format).
We have already started looking for fun girlie things for her room, Grammy has offered to make her bedding and curtains which is very sweet!
Stay tuned...
We are thrilled! Our little girl was very cooperative with the Dr. on Friday, she let him measure all the things he needed to. She is growing right on schedule she measured at about 7 oz.
It is such a neat thing to get to see her growing inside me. I am working on getting pictures or some of the video uploaded (we need to get it into a good format).
We have already started looking for fun girlie things for her room, Grammy has offered to make her bedding and curtains which is very sweet!
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tristan and steak...
As many of you know our sweet boy is a picky eater this week we had a banner week! Last night we had dinner with our friends Brett and Lainey for Lainey's birthday. On the menu...STEAK!
We thought lets give it a try we gave Tristan baked potato, steak, shrimp, and bread. Normally he would touch nothing but the bread. He tried the shrimp and spit it out immediately...ahh but the steak he ate 4 bites! Emmy was so excited! The above are pictures of our little guys post steak face :)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Boys have ruled too long...
So the boy stuff has been on too long, so I am just posting to put something kind of girlie back in view :)...
We will be going to the Dr. on Friday to find out if this next little Lesko is a boy or a girl...I personally can't wait! I will update as soon as I can after that.
I think this is a funny picture of our #1 guy!
Friday, July 18, 2008
I Am Watching
As promised :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dr. Appointment
Friday, July 11 I went to the Dr. to check up on little baby Lesko. He or She is doing great the heartbeat was strong 169 beats per minute (Normal is between 160-180). YAY! I also got a special treat I got to see the is so neat to get to see the head and body... baby was lounging with its hand behind its head. SOOO CUTE!
I will try to scan the picture and post it.
I will try to scan the picture and post it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Best Husband Award...
Goes too...MICKEY LESKO! So tonight I was sitting on the couch with my sweet husband and all of a sudden White Cheddar Popcorn! I must have some...Mickey springs into action first finding what store has the Cape Cod White Cheddar Popcorn I am craving at the moment...then out in to the thunderstorm that is rolling through Frisco at the moment and on to more than one store to find the hour and a half later and one bag of popcorn I am a happy girl!
He's such a great husband!! :) I am such a lucky girl!
He's such a great husband!! :) I am such a lucky girl!
Friday, July 4, 2008
12 Weeks
Tristan likes pudding
Saturday, June 14, 2008
High School Musical 2
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Volleyball with Tristan
So I forgot the of many things I have forgotten recently. However, Tristan and Emmy went to play volleyball with our group of friends the FNFN crowd from our church. It was an adventure for the little guy, as far as I know this was his first sand experience. And what a fun time at least for the adults, I took his shoes off so he could get the real experience. It was really funny to watch, I don't think he is a big fan of the sand between his toes. He started running on his tip toes to catch up with me and nearly climbed all the way up my leg. So I picked him up and took him closer to the courts where he could play with other friends and he didn't want to get down, every time we tried to set him down he would pull his legs up underneath him. Then he would grab my hand and use it to wipe off his feet. :) One day he will be out there with the big boys playing...he just needs a little time.
Now the pool on the other hand, we barely made it past without him jumping in. He loves water! Tristan didn't get in the pool but bear made a flying leap in :0) Oops. Emmy rescued him and rang him out.
What a night. We had a great time.
Now the pool on the other hand, we barely made it past without him jumping in. He loves water! Tristan didn't get in the pool but bear made a flying leap in :0) Oops. Emmy rescued him and rang him out.
What a night. We had a great time.
Monday, May 19, 2008
First Belly Picture - Almost 6 wks
And a new hair cut...A friend of mine did a belly meter and I thought it was so cool, so I thought I'd copy... :0)
So here is the first mark on the meter almost six weeks along...
Some of y'all haven't seen me recently so I also thought you would like to see my new do, Andrea (my sister) cut 10 inches off of my hair last weekend. Just enough to donate and I have been getting lots of compliments. Thanks Bug!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Week 5
I went to the doctor today for a colposcopy because of an abnormal pap. So the good news is the Dr. said we will just be able to watch it for a while she didn't see anything that she needed to biopsy which is good because that is really uncomfortable and it can cause a lot of bleeding when you are pregnant. So one big hump we have made it over. I have to go back in when I am 28 weeks and have another one.
Tristan is home tonight we are going to play volleyball. :) I am sure I will have pictures to update soon.
Thank you for those of you who were praying for my appointment this morning. I know God was watching out for us today.
Tristan is home tonight we are going to play volleyball. :) I am sure I will have pictures to update soon.
Thank you for those of you who were praying for my appointment this morning. I know God was watching out for us today.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well its official...
We are having a baby! :)
We couldn't be more excited. I went to my first doctor's appointment today and I am about 4 weeks and 6 days along. So around January of 2009 we will have another bundle of joy around the Lesko house.
Mickey is such a proud papa, he couldn't wait to tell everyone! Tristan doesn't really understand, but we are sure he will be so excited as it gets closer. :)
Thank you for all of your prayers and love!
We will keep you posted.
We couldn't be more excited. I went to my first doctor's appointment today and I am about 4 weeks and 6 days along. So around January of 2009 we will have another bundle of joy around the Lesko house.
Mickey is such a proud papa, he couldn't wait to tell everyone! Tristan doesn't really understand, but we are sure he will be so excited as it gets closer. :)
Thank you for all of your prayers and love!
We will keep you posted.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesdays with Josh
We have a wonderful friend named Josh who comes over to have dinner with us every other wed. night. We love having Josh to visit and Tristan is always so excited when Joshypop walks through the door. I thought these pictures were great. Tristan tried on Josh's boots and I think they look pretty good! :-) Mickey said we might need to get him a pair so Tristan will have some to play with all the time.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tristan got a hair cut
On Saturdays Emmy and Tristan have a special tradition we go to the local donut store and get kolaches (his favorite) and donut holes. It is our favorite part of the weekend! It also lets Daddy sleep in just a little longer (since he has probably gotten up during the night with Tristan).
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Our House...a very very very fine house :0)
In September of last year we found a house that we thought there was no way we could make it work...then by the grace of God we made an offer that any sane person would refuse and it was accepted! We did some painting and now it is home...
I learned something new about my husband during the process that he picks out great colors. Here are a few pictures...




I learned something new about my husband during the process that he picks out great colors. Here are a few pictures...





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