Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here are the ultrasound pictures of little miss Lesko...the first is a profile of her face, the second her arm laying over her face...She is so cute. There were more that show the front view of her face, but it looks a little alien like right now so I decided to go with the cute ones :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Update from the Ultrasound

So today we went in to have our second ultrasound. Little girl Lesko is doing great and is "for sure" a girl. She is weighing in at 2 lbs 7 oz, which is in the 65 percentile she is growing right on track, all of her parts were measured and look good. Good news, my placenta has moved out of the way :0) YAY! Everything that they checked came back as right on track and normal. It was great to get to see her moving around. Once I am able to scan the pictures i will upload them. :)

Baby Bump - 26 weeks

We are on our way to the third is an update of the belly while I was in Birmingham visiting Bug :)